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By: Edem Torkornoo

Spreading the Bzzz! #NBNBzzzTour

July 15 2013

Summer’s here and there is no better time to go on a road trip. That is what our friends from the United States Junior Chamber have been doing – journeying across the country to spread awareness about malaria.  JCI USA President Chrystal Ramsay-Dyess and her family are traveling city to city to tell others how they can join Nothing But Nets and help women and children in Sub-Saharan Africa fight malaria. By donating just $10, anyone can send a net and save a life.

Over the past month, they have visited Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, and they are headed to West Virginia next. Throughout the trip, they have held meetings with members of Congress to discuss the importance of supporting and funding malaria prevention programs. They have successfully garnered more than 300 advocacy cards and raised $4,772 to date!

Follow the travels of President Chrystal (@JCChrys) and join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #NBNBzzzTour

Let us know if you spot the tour bus!

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