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By: Paige Glidden

Moms & Malaria: The Impact of Malaria on Families

May 08 2019

Ruth and her family live at the Rwamwanja refugee settlement in western Uganda, where malaria is a constant danger. In 2018, there were more than 11.6 million confirmed cases of malaria in Uganda, resulting in 14,400 deaths.

Nearly every member of Ruth’s family – including Ruth herself – has had malaria.

Ruth lost two daughters to malaria in 2018. When her 20-year-old daughter Jolie also became infected last year, she was terrified. “It was very bad,” Ruth told us. “I took her to the clinic to seek help.”

At the clinic, Ruth was given one of the most vital forms of protection against malaria - a mosquito net. Since receiving the net, none of Ruth’s family members have been sick with malaria.

“It’s helped us a lot,” Ruth said as she smiled. Following her diagnosis, Jolie received the proper treatment from UN agencies working in Uganda and made a full recovery.

With the fear of malaria no longer top of mind, Ruth has time to work in her shop, tend to crops, and ensure her five children are loved and protected. Ruth has time to be a mom.

Agnes has a different story than Ruth, but her life was also impacted by the work of Nothing But Nets

Agnes is tired, but thrilled. Agnes, an 18-year-old Congolese refugee, has just given birth to daughter Patience at the Nyarugusu U.N. refugee camp in Tanzania.

Nyarugusu's main health clinic has 121 beds, 60 nurses, and 8 doctors. Despite its small team, the hospital handles more than 7,000 patients per month. Overcrowding at the camp has resulted in shortages of staff and lifesaving supplies like bed nets and malaria testing kits.

“Malaria is our biggest issue,” a doctor at the clinic told us. “We have the medicine, but the supply is inconsistent. We usually get around 600 patients a day and when it rains, it increases to 900.”

During the rainy season, Nyarugusu becomes an ideal breeding ground for mosquitos. That’s why bed nets and testing kits are so important - so that new moms and babies like Agnes and Patience can stay healthy and safe.

Can you make a donation today to help moms like Ruth and Agnes keep their babies safe?

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