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By: Adrianna Logalbo

Celebrities help spread the buzz in L.A.

June 07 2010

Over the weekend we were in Los Angeles for our most recent stop of the Nothing But Nets™ Buzz Tour, and it was chock full of celebrity sightings. But the biggest celebrity of all seems to be Nothing But Nets™ itself! Everywhere we drove, from the Santa Monica pier to the soccer pitch, Los Angeles residents know about Nothing But Nets™ and were “stoked” to see us.

On Friday, the Buzz Tour hit the beach in Santa Monica and while at the 3rd Street Promenade, actor David Arquette stopped by to say how much he loved our campaign. Check out this short, high-energy video of David Arquette with Mozzie the Mosquito!

The next day we drove to the LA Galaxy game, and the fans were ecstatic to see us. Hundreds showed they were United Against Malaria in the lead up to the World Cup by giving us their autographs to join the winning team to beat malaria – and then donated $10, $20, even $50 to send nets and save lives! Mozzie was even invited onto the field at half-time to pump up the fans!

We also had the chance to bring the Buzz Tour to the Samuel Gompers Middle School and highlight the impressive work of the students to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and UN Foundation Founder and Chairman, Ted Turner. We had a great time with the students learning to spread the buzz about malaria and how easy it is to have a global impact.

From SoCal to the Pacific Northwest – next stop: Seattle!  

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